Christina Shusho’s reasons for being receptive to working with Diamond and Harmonize ​

The number of times Tanzanian gospel singer Christina Shusho has been to Kenya in recent years is beyond counting. According to her official statements, the affection she has experienced from Kenyans is both genuine and bizarre.

On Kenyan X (previously Twitter), she has been trending frequently and for good cause. At home, she typically wakes up to bad news about her tumultuous marriage to her estranged pastor husband, but in Kenya, the situation is quite different.

Due to her popularity in Kenya, the “Shusha Nyavu” singer has given a number of concerts there in recent years; the most recent one was in Nairobi three weeks ago.

Her song “Zakayo,” which is one of President William Ruto’s branded nicknames among Kenyans, was published last year and literally “united” Kenyans on social media.

One of the things I adore most about Kenyans is their capacity to see promise in others, embrace it fully, and provide unwavering support. I don’t intend to be harsh, but Tanzanians will initially question your abilities, then support you once you disprove them by judging and criticizing you. That’s perhaps why I seem to be more popular in Kenya.

It was not Kenya that inspired the song, but the Bible. A long time ago, I wrote it. It was only a coincidence that, for whatever reason, the release of “Zakayo” brought Kenyans together at that specific time. No one was the target of the song, and I had no malicious intent.

Because of my remarkable attractiveness, my mother was concerned and hurried me into marriage. When I was nineteen, I got married. My mother feared that I would become disloyal and bring dishonor to the family once I finished fourth grade.

Don’t tell me I’m lovely now that I’m a bit older. It was fantastic. Therefore, my mother was afraid and consented when this man approached her and showed interest in me.

Although God has placed different things in each of you, marriage is one of the things He brings together. We must be honest with each other.

When women attempt to obey their husbands’ orders while forgetting their own, many are harmed. We must be careful not to let our desire to impress one another override our calling. It takes grace for some people to pursue a route.

Since I’m an artist myself, I’m close to Diamond, Harmonize, and many more secular artists. Would they perform a song with me? Since it all depends on God’s timetable, I am unable to answer yes or no.

People write songs for a variety of reasons. For me, if I’m going to perform with Diamond or Harmonize, it must be for a greater good. Others do it for fame and recognition.

We will work on the project Harmonize has previously approached me about when the time is appropriate.

This also applies to Diamond, and I should let him know that if we ever collaborate, he will likely regret hiring me since I will surpass him on the job. So he shouldn’t risk it.

You see, Diamond is my buddy, and we have been working together on a number of projects, including the Mtoko Wa Pasaka program. He’ll be coming to my church shortly.

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