UN prosecutor confirms deaths of the last two fugitives from the Rwandan genocide

The U.N. war crimes prosecutor tasked with tracking down the final two individuals wanted by a tribunal for their suspected roles in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda passed away in 1998, the prosecutor announced on Wednesday.

“Ryandikayo” and Charles Sikubwabo, two fugitives who had escaped Rwanda for what was then Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, perished in 1998, according to the prosecutor’s inquiry.

In addition to crimes against humanity like murder and extermination, both have been accused of genocide.

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals has previously confirmed the deaths of four other fugitives and apprehended two suspects in the Rwandan genocide in the past four years.

A new court with offices in The Hague, Netherlands, and Arusha, Tanzania, has replaced the earlier U.N. tribunals for war crimes in Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

Even though some cases are still pending, all of the fugitives from the Rwanda trial have now been found, joining the already nonexistent number of fugitives from the Yugoslavia tribunal.

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