Kenya, Tanzania fake agreement on trade barriers

Kenya and Tanzania last week agreed to settle at least fourteen deals obstacles that have suppressed partnership between East Africa’s largest markets.

Of the fourteen disputes debated in the summit held in Kisumu, just three were entirely solved, pending another joint meeting to be held in Tanzania in July.

Under the newest contract, Kenya will assist the approval of spirits (Konyagi), which had been seized by the Kenya Bureau of Standards at the Namanga border.

At the eighth mutual meeting hosted by Kenya’s Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano and her Tanzania counterpart Ashatu Kijaji, Kenya also accepted to clear lumber imports from Tanzania at Lunga Lunga/Horohoro.

Kenya restored tea exports to Tanzania, which had been terminated. The decision to resolve Non-Tariff Barriers be a result of a meeting between President William Ruto and Tanzanian’s Samia Suluhu last year.

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