Rapper T.I. and his wife Tiny win a big case against MGA Entertainment over intellectual property

Rapper T.I. and his wife Tiny are about to get a few million dollars more because they won a four-year case about intellectual property rights.

The famous couple sued the toy company MGA Entertainment in 2020, saying that they made dolls that looked like their OMG Girlz group members. These two women started the all-female group in 2009.

A jury found in favor of T.I. and Tiny after a long fight and gave them a large sum of money. The decision made the singer’s wife so happy that she told fans right away.

T.I. and his wife Tiny are given $71 million by a jury.

More news says that T.I. and Tiny’s four-year fight with MGA Entertainment ended on September 23. Jurors decided that the toy company stole the couple’s teen pop group’s intellectual property rights.

MGA was told to pay a huge $71 million fine for their crime. This included $17.9 million in compensatory damages and $53.6 million in punishment damages. In 2020, the trouble between the two groups began.

A toy company came out with the “L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. dolls,” which T.I. and Tiny were really into during the trial that lasted for weeks. The couple said that seven dolls looked exactly like their OMG Girlz.

It is said that the dolls copied the band’s looks from “very specific public events,” including Zonnique Pullins, Tiny’s oldest daughter. TMZ says the jury was moved by their reasoning and found MGA guilty of infringement.

The Tiny celebrated their win with their fans.

In their decision, the judges said that the toy company had violated the trade dress and taken the name, image, and likeness of the group of girls that T.I. and Tiny made without permission.

Tiny was so moved by their words and the huge award that she celebrated right away with her friends. Out in front of the federal building in Santa Ana, California, she made an Instagram Live video.

Fans of Tiny and T.I. were told that they didn’t fight MGA just for their own rights, but because they “did this for the city” and “for the culture.” She also said it had been a long court fight, but they were thrilled with how things turned out.

It’s been two months since The Blast reported that T.I. and Tiny won their court case to get the sexual assault claim against them thrown out. An Air Force soldier sued the couple for something that happened in 2005.

The assault case against T.I. and Tiny wants to be thrown out of court.

The famous couple asked the court in July to throw out the assault case against them. They strongly disagreed with the plaintiff’s claims and said that the claims were “time-barred” by the law.

Tiny’s lawyer and T.I. both said that the statute of limitations had passed more than sixteen years ago, but they both insisted that the meeting between the two parties was voluntary. The lawyer said:

“The facts, as alleged, reflect that [Doe] voluntarily and consciously participated in the encounter up to the point when she said ‘no’ and removed herself from the bed with Defendants.”

The plaintiff’s lawyer said that T.I. and Tiny respected her “expressed desire to leave the encounter, go to the bathroom, sit on a couch until the morning, and then leave.”

A look inside the Air Force member’s assault case

The plaintiff, whose name was Jane Doe in her filing, said that T.I. and Tiny were sexually assaulting her, falsely locking her up, and causing her mental distress on purpose. She said that the attack happened when she was in the Air Force and 22 years old.

The woman says she met the couple at a club in 2005. Tiny offered her a drink, and T.I. asked her to come to their hotel room in Los Angeles. However, it is said that things got worse when they got there.

Someone who said they were raped said the couple’s behavior changed after T.I. gave her “instructions for how the rest of the night was going to go.” After feeling dizzy while in the shower with them, she started to think that they might have given her drugs.

The plaintiff became sure that “Tiny and T.I. drugged her with the drink Tiny gave her while she was still at the club in order to sexually assault and batter her.”

Rapper T.I. and Tiny were sued for damages that were not mentioned.

“I did not consent to any of the sexual assault or misconduct and did not have the capacity to consent after being drugged by Defendants,” the claimed victim said.

The plaintiff said that T.I. and Tiny’s actions caused “severe emotional, physical, and psychological injury,” such as embarrassment, shame, guilt, loss of income, loss of intellectual ability, and ongoing emotional distress.

Because of these claims, she sued the couple for damages that were not stated.

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