Dominique Pelicot, who is currently facing a rape trial in France, has confessed that she is a rapist and is seeking absolution

Dominique Pelicot confessed to drugging his wife and recruiting dozens of strangers to rape her over the course of nearly a decade. He pleaded for his family’s absolution, stating in a French court on Tuesday, “I am a rapist.”

Pelicot’s hearing, which served as the focal point of one of the most remarkable criminal proceedings in recent French history, was postponed last week due to his poor health.

He has been charged with rape, gang rape, and privacy violations for the recording and dissemination of sexual images.

On Tuesday morning, Pelicot addressed the judge via a microphone while utilizing a cane in court. According to his attorney, he was permitted to take pauses to lie down throughout the day and was prescribed a substantial amount of medication.

“I am a rapist, just like all the others in this room,” he stated, adding, “I implore my wife, my children, and my grandchildren to accept my apologies.” I am remorseful for my actions. Even if it is not forgivable, I implore your absolution.

The case has elicited nationwide protests in support of his wife Gisele and against male sexual violence, shocking the country.

Dominique Pelicot disclosed to the tribunal that he had experienced rape and had endured a challenging childhood. According to French media, he occasionally wept.

During his testimony, Gisele Pelicot was present in the courtroom and was met with acclaim from the audience when she exited during the intermission.


In order to expose her husband and the other men accused of raping her, she had demanded a public trial, thereby establishing herself as a symbol of the campaign against sexual violence in France.

“For 50 years, I lived with a man who I would never have imagined was capable of these acts of rape,” according to her.

After consulting with investigators regarding the matter, Gisele Pelicot initiated divorce proceedings.

Pelicot responded, “It is crucial to maintain optimism,” when asked by one of the attorneys whether he believes he could regain his erstwhile partner. Alternatively, it is concluded… I was subjected to trauma. She played a significant role in my ability to forget these negative experiences.

Dominique Pelicot, who was initially apprehended after photographing a woman’s skirt in a supermarket, was alleged by prosecutors to have offered sex with his wife on a website called Coco and recorded the abuse.

In the southern city of Avignon, 50 other men, who are presently aged 26 to 73, are also on trial for rape in addition to Dominique Pelicot. Dominique Pelicot has stated that a total of 72 individuals were involved in the abuse of his then-wife.

While some of the defendants confessed to their guilt to the investigators, others have maintained that they were merely reenacting a couple’s fantasy and that Gisele Pelicot had, in fact, consented to intercourse.

“They were already aware of everything when they arrived.” Pelicot stated, “They were all aware of the process prior to the meetings.”

“I want to prove that my wife was a victim and not an accomplice, to prove that this was completely without her knowledge.”

The investigators discovered 300 photographs and a video of the acts and organized them in containers, including one labeled “Abuse,” as per a court document.

Investigators were informed by Gisele Pelicot that she had experienced memory lapses and had sought the assistance of a gynecologist for inexplicable pains.

The trial is scheduled to conclude in December. The defendants may be sentenced to 20 years in prison if they are convicted.

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