Hype or health crisis? Following challenging inquiries, Prezzo was compelled to provide an explanation for the collapse

During the high-profile premiere of “The Bahati’s Empire,” renowned Kenyan rapper Prezzo stunned the audience by collapsing.

During the high-profile premiere of The Bahati’s Empire reality TV program at the Westwood Hotel on May 6, renowned Kenyan rapper Prezzo stunned the audience by collapsing.

The glitzy occasion, which was graced by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and featured celebrities and media figures, swiftly took a worrying turn when Prezzo looked to be having a seizure.

Bahati approaches Prezzo on his breakdown.

Prezzo spoke with fellow musician Bahati on August 21 on an episode of his new podcast Syllabus of Life. They talked about a range of subjects, including their personal life and artistic endeavors.

Bahati addressed the “elephant in the room” by questioning Prezzo about the event at the launch, which caused their conversation to take a more serious turn.

Prezzo was overwhelmed by meeting the Deputy President, so Bahati joked that he had fainted.

“When the launch was about to happen, I thought, ‘President Ameona Gachagua, aka faint.'” Bana, what went wrong? The Deputy has to be greeted by the President, mi nimekuita bwana! The President is dizzy, though! Why is that not working? Do you wish to cede authority before it’s time?” Bahati joked, calling Prezzo “President.”

Prezzo describes why the structure collapsed.

Prezzo explained that visiting the Deputy President had nothing to do with his breakdown. He gave an explanation, saying that the week before the launch he had been very busy.

Prezzo claims that despite Bahati’s busy schedule, the latter had reminded him every day and notified him about the occasion a week in advance.

“Leave it to me to explain. A week prior, you had informed me, “Hiyo siku mbele ya mwenyezi mungu.” Bahati is somewhat familiar with me; thus, if there’s a function, he needs to notify me a week in advance and give me a daily call, kunikumbusha. I was busy that week with a lot of stuff.

Thus, nilikuwa ofisini naendelea pale even on the day of the launch. Then you asked me on the phone when I was coming. That’s when I realized, Hey, it’s today! I ran out of there because you know I can never disappoint you. To cut a long tale short, after meeting the DP, si ati nili passes out. That happened in the midst of an interview on the red carpet “He stated.

Regarding the rumors of a PR stunt, Prezzo

Initially, Bahati acknowledged, he believed Prezzo’s downfall could have been a ploy to deflect attention from the premiere of his reality series.

He brought up how Prezzo’s incident was trending, which made him question whether it was done on purpose to deflect criticism.

The next day, I thought, “I’m selling my show, why is Prezzo trying to steal my shine?,” because I was feeling a lot of pressure. since you were at the forefront of the trend. I thought, “Oh my goodness, that story is so sweet,” Bahati said.

Prezzo promptly shot down these rumors, stating that his stress and weariness were the reasons the seizure happened during a red carpet interview.

“Kuna watu wengi walisema ilikuwa antics for publicity.” But if you watch that video, you’ll see that there was a protocol in place when we arrived due to the Deputy President. Since I knew you had assigned me a seat, I let everyone in. Thus, when everyone had taken a seat, the interviewees were shown a red carpet. Prezzo emphasized, “Mimi sina history ya kifafa.”

Prezzo was told he was overworking himself when he sought medical assistance following the event.

They informed me that I am working too hard. You know that I showed up at the end of the day, bora “Prezzo continued.

Strong ties bind Prezzo and Bahati

In spite of the situation, Prezzo took a minute to commend Bahati, saying that the younger artist reminded him a lot of himself, particularly in his willingness to take chances.

Both artists reaffirmed their support for one another in their personal and professional lives, and their camaraderie and mutual respect were clear throughout the chat.

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