Chadema demands a judicial investigation into the abductions and murders

Chadema, Tanzania’s foremost opposition party, has requested a judicial investigation into the purported abductions and murders that have afflicted the nation.

The matter should be addressed urgently, according to Chairperson Freeman Mbowe, during a press conference on August 22.

Mr. Mbowe stated that Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, was the site of over 60% of all reported cases of abductions and missing individuals throughout the country.

Additionally, he asserted that certain victims were senior Chadema leaders, which prompted apprehension regarding targeted political violence.

“These are not isolated incidents,” stated Mbowe. “What we’re seeing is a disturbing pattern of enforced disappearances, with a significant number occurring right here in Dar es Salaam.”

The Chadema leader subsequently accused state security agencies of involvement in the disappearances.

According to Mr. Mbowe, the party’s investigations have revealed information from a variety of sources, including insiders within the police force.

“The information we have discovered is concerning,” he declared. “A task force that was initially established to combat armed robbery appears to have shifted its focus.” It now appears that this organization is implicated in these abductions, operating outside of the formal legal framework.

He asserted that over 200 individuals have disappeared under suspicious circumstances, with a significant number of them reportedly subjected to torture by this security task force.

He stated that the consequences are severe not only for the individuals directly affected, but also for Tanzanian society as a whole.

Mbowe cautioned, “This is not solely about the missing individuals.” “The issue at hand is the widespread fear and uncertainty that is sweeping the nation.” The current state of dread in Tanzania is intolerable.

The Citizen attempted to reach the police spokesperson, but the calls were unreturned. There was no response from him by the time of publication.

Mr. Mbowe maintained that the police were incapable of conducting their own investigations.

Rather, he urged President Samia Suluhu Hassan to utilize her authority under the Inquiries Act to establish a judicial commission of inquiry.

“The police force is compromised,” he indicated. “The sole method of obtaining the truth is through an independent judicial commission of inquiry.” We strongly encourage the President to implement this measure in order to reestablish stability, unity, and peace.

He also urged the President to dissolve the Security Task Force, which he claimed was operating in accordance with personal preferences rather than the law.

Mr. Mbowe declared, “The President, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, is obligated to intervene.” “This task force has exceeded its authority and must be held accountable.”

Chadema is also advocating for the repeal of Section 4(iii) of the Tanzania Intelligence and Security Services Amendment Act of 2023.

Mr. Mbowe contends that this section grants national intelligence officers excessive authority, enabling them to apprehend individuals without following due process.

“This law is being abused,” Mr. Mbowe contended. “It gives too much power to security officers, and we’ve seen how that power is being abused.”

Tanzania’s Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance proclaimed in the capital, Dodoma, that it was conducting its own investigation into more than 80 cases of disappearances reported between 2020 and 2024.

The commission is chaired by retired judge Mathew Mwaimu, who stated that these cases are spread across 15 regions, with the majority of incidents occurring between 2020 and 2024.

He acknowledged that additional disappearances have been reported since 2016, but he stated that the commission’s attention is directed toward the most recent cases due to their prevalence and the public anxiety they have elicited.

“We are observing a concerning trend,” stated Judge Mwaimu.

“These disappearances are not limited to a single region; they are occurring throughout the nation.” The objective of our inquiry is to reveal the truth regarding these incidents.

Dar es Salaam, Singida, Mara, Shinyanga, Mwanza, Kagera, Geita, Kigoma, Tanga, Mbeya, Iringa, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Ruvuma, and Rukwa comprise the regions that are currently being investigated.

Judge Mwaimu reassured the public that the commission was treating the investigation with the utmost gravity. He observed that measures have already been implemented, such as the identification and analysis of incidents using a variety of sources of information.

“Our endeavors are perpetual,” he declared. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be conducting visits to 30 locations in order to collect evidence. Our findings will be disclosed to the public upon the conclusion of our investigation.

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