A Virginia landlord who mistreated Black tenants and falsified signatures on COVID-19 relief applications was given a 17-year sentence
A Virginia landlord who mistreated and even stole the names of his Black tenants will serve 17 years in jail.
59-year-old David Merryman, who owns more than 50 homes in Hampton and Newport News, was found guilty of aggravated identity theft, wire fraud, and interfering with housing and employment on the basis of race.
Merryman’s violent threats, racial bullying, and faking tenant signatures to secure bogus rent reduction were among the harsh techniques shown by the prosecution. Additionally, he neglected his homes, allowing tenants to live in filthy and dangerous circumstances.
Merryman’s defense lawyer, Andrew Sacks, termed the 14-year sentence “excessive” and only asked for six years during the sentencing hearing, while prosecutors wanted a 14-year sentence based on Merryman’s substantial criminal activities over the previous 10 years. In the end, the judge sentenced the defendant to 180 months in prison for wire fraud and two years in prison for identity theft.
According to Ted Rose, a retired FBI agent who looked into the case, “the unique facet of this investigation from a hate crimes perspective is the number of people abused by David Merryman, the degree of abuse they received, and the cruelty they had to endure.” In court, Merryman expressed his regret, saying he was “sincerely sorry” and “extremely humbled” by what he had done.
Merryman’s bigoted actions, according to the prosecution, were part of a planned plot to boost earnings and accelerate tenant turnover. Tenants complained about persistent problems such sewage leaks, leaky ceilings, and rat infestations. “A pattern is one way to prove specific intent to defraud,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Mack Coleman.
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