The governor of Washington State activates the national guard due to concerns about violence related to elections
Governor Inslee of Washington calls up the National Guard after a fire attack on voting boxes makes people afraid of more violence in the election.
Because of worries about possible bloodshed during the 2024 election, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee called up some National Guard troops on Friday.
It was earlier this week that ballot boxes were set on fire, including one in Vancouver that burned hundreds of ballots. This led to his choice.
Governor Inslee sent out a letter to the public explaining the safety measure. He did this because of “general and specific information and concerns regarding the potential for violence or other unlawful activity” related to the election.
He said this to make sure that officials are “fully prepared to respond” to any actions that might cause trouble. According to figures from the University of Florida’s Election Lab, over two million people in Washington have already voted.
Polls show that most people in Washington expect to vote for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris over Republican candidate Donald Trump. However, recent threats have caused the governor to increase security to protect the state’s voting process.
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