A Taylor Swift fan could be sued over an alleged Eras tour scam
One Taylor Swift fan may be going to court because they planned an event around her Eras Tour but didn’t deliver what they said they would.
Fans who went to New Orleans to see The Eras Tour were looking forward to a fun night out where they could make friendship bracelets and dance to a DJ. But it seems that some fans weren’t impressed with what they saw when they got there.
Fans of Taylor Swift are saying that the Eras tour scam is real.
Swift went to New Orleans over the weekend as part of the second leg of her hugely famous Eras Tour in North America. Many fans, including Rebecca Fox, wanted to make the event extra special for everyone. She called it a “Holiday House” event, after a line from Taylor Swift’s song “The Last Great American Dynasty.”
Fox told People magazine about her plans before the event. She booked 191 hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn to hold an Eras Tour gathering for herself and other Swift fans who were coming into town to see the show.
When the Eras Tour was released, Fox told the outlet, “I’ve been a huge fan of Taylor since the very beginning, and I knew that the one thing I had to do was see it before anyone else did.” She talked about her own experience at a show in Phoenix.
Because of getting there and back, it took her less than 24 hours to see Taylor Swift perform live. She said, “I didn’t get to trade bracelets.” “I didn’t meet anyone.” I missed the chance to take a picture outside the stadium.
Rebecca Fox was trying to make the best Taylor Swift experience possible.
It was important to Fox that no one else had the same bad experience outside of the show. When she heard that the show was going to New Orleans, where she lived, she chose to make an experience that other fans would love.
“I want to discover something.” I want to get lost in this. I want to savor every second of her three-day stay. How do I do that? She told the magazine, “I plan the events that I want to go to,” and that’s how her plans to book 20 hotel rooms turned into something much bigger.
Fox said, “I fought really, really, really hard for every single room and every single person. And just to be clear, I’ve done this all at cost.” She went on to say that she charged $25 for one of the 191 rooms that was listed at face value.
A fan of Taylor Swift planned a “convention” around her New Orleans Eras tour.
Several events were planned for the event, which was set to take place from October 24 to October 28. One of the events was making bracelets, which gave Swifties a chance to meet and talk to each other. She planned a quiz night and a DJ as well.
Her website says that fans could buy more than just a room. They could also get an All Access Pass or even a V.I.P. Package, which cost $1,000 for hotel block members and $1,250 for non-block guests.
Fox told the magazine, “Before this, I literally only knew one other Swiftie in New Orleans. Now I have probably 40 really, really dear friends that live here, and I have thousands all over the world.” “Everything that we’re doing is either Taylor-themed or New Orleans-themed.”
The Swifties say that the “Holiday House” event scammed them.
A local Fox station says that some Taylor Swift fans who went to the event are thinking about going to court because it wasn’t as good as everyone thought it would be. Fox told the station that the hotel was “extremely nervous” about the event. “I think they changed their minds once their marketing and salesperson said, ‘I don’t think you all understand what Taylor can do and will bring to our property,'” he said.
Fox also said she didn’t charge extra for the room, which could cost up to $500. Fans feel let down by the event itself, even though she says she didn’t charge more for the rooms and didn’t make any money from the bookings.
It sounds like the hired DJ thought the event was a scam.
One Swiftie who went to the show was mom Maegan Traynom, who brought her daughter with her from Memphis to see Taylor Swift perform. They didn’t buy a room from Fox, but they did pay to go to a number of parties that Fox put on.
“There were only about three vendors, and the ballroom was empty.” They said, “We have no idea” when I asked them if we were in the right place, Traynom said. “Everyone works very hard to get money.” Someone should get what they paid for whenever they are offered a product or event that they are buying.
The DJ who was meant to play at the event also didn’t show up. He told the station that Fox had never confirmed the performance. “I think continuing to take people’s money and push sales of these events, even though you knew they wouldn’t be what you said they would be,” the DJ said. “It sounds like a con.”
Reports say that Rebecca Fox has hired a lawyer and has turned down several requests for interviews. Reports say that dozens of people want their money back from both Fox and the Holiday Inn. It was asked of IGH, which owns the Holiday Inn, but they had not replied by the time this article was written.
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