“Ghost” cybercrime platform taken down in global operation; 51 people arrested

Europol announced on Wednesday that an encrypted communication platform, Ghost, which is notorious for facilitating large-scale drug trafficking and money laundering, has been deconstructed as part of an international law enforcement operation.

The investigation resulted in the apprehension of 51 suspects from various countries, and additional arrests are anticipated.

The platform’s dismantling is a substantial setback to global organized crime networks, as it had become increasingly popular among criminal organizations due to its sophisticated security features.

Deputy Executive Director Jean-Philippe Lecouffe of Europol stated to reporters, “This was a global game of cat and mouse, and the game is over today.”

Europol reported that the operation resulted in the global seizure of weapons, drugs, and over 1 million euro ($1.11 million) in currency, as well as the dismantling of a drug lab in Australia and the prevention of numerous life-threatening threats.

“We have demonstrated today that criminal networks, no matter how concealed they may believe they are, are unable to evade our collective endeavor,” stated Europol’s Executive Director, Catherine De Bolle. She referred to the Ghost platform as “a lifeline for serious organized crime.”

Authorities from Australia, Canada, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States collaborated to execute the operation as part of a more comprehensive initiative to combat global organized crime.

Additional disruptions of unlawful activities are anticipated as the investigation advances.

($1 is equivalent to 0.8983 euros)

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