Somalia executes ten Al Shabaab insurgents, according to the police

The regional police have announced that 10 combatants from the Islamist militant group Al Shabaab were executed by the semi-autonomous state of Puntland in Somalia on Saturday.

In Galkayo, the state’s Mudug region, the militants were executed by firing squad after being convicted of involvement in assassinations and explosives in multiple locations. The trial was conducted in a military court.

The fighters who were executed by police “were previously sentenced to death by the supreme court of the armed forces, after they were found to have committed murders in the city of Galkayo” .

Associated with Al Qaeda Al Shabaab insurgents have been engaged in a nearly two-decade-long conflict with the objective of overthrowing Somalia’s central government and establishing their own rule, which is founded on the group’s rigorous interpretation of Islamic sharia law.

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