EST Gee’s Artist Mr. Lu Mike Is Supposedly Murdered Just Weeks After His Manager
Following the tragic loss of his manager to gun violence just weeks ago, rapper EST Gee is now lamenting the loss of his artist, EST Lu Mike.
In Louisville, Kentucky, Gee’s birthplace, the outbreak of violence occurred early on Sunday morning. At approximately 1:45 a.m., officers responded to a gunshot in the 900 block of Baxter Avenue. Upon their arrival at the site, they discovered numerous individuals who were suffering from gunshot wounds. One of the individuals was declared deceased at the scene, while the other passed away at a nearby hospital. The third individual, who sustained a gunshot wound, arrived at the hospital shortly thereafter and is anticipated to survive.
The victims’ identities have not yet been disclosed by the authorities. Nevertheless, Lu Mike was among the deceased, as reported by numerous outlets. The incident occurred in a vibrant location on Baxter Avenue, which is renowned for its nightlife. The cause of the men’s shooting remains undetermined.
Lu Gee’s manager, Devontae Beach, also known as EST Big Beach, was assassinated shortly before Mike’s demise. Beach and the crew were in Louisville for Gee’s Summer Jam concert at the KFC Yum! Center. Beach’s body was discovered deceased on Sunday, July 21, just hours following the performance. In his case, no suspects have been identified. Yo Gotti and Lil Baby were among the special visitors who attracted hundreds of admirers to the arena. In recent years, Gee has been prohibited from performing in his homeland, and local authorities have expressed safety concerns in the days preceding his concert.
Before his untimely departure, Est Lu Mike had been consistently releasing music. His most renowned single to date is “Anybody,” which has garnered over 206,000 views on YouTube. Gee has not yet addressed the murders of Lu Mike and Beach in public.
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