Rapper Soulja Boy consents to testify in court in relation to his former girlfriend’s alleged assault
Soulja Boy is resolved to set the record straight over his unidentified ex-girlfriend’s continuing lawsuit!
After his ex-girlfriend unexpectedly filed a lawsuit in 2021 accusing him of assault, the rapper has consented to testify under oath before a court officer in order to prove his innocence.
In 2015, Soulja Boy was hit with a lawsuit for allegedly beating Jane Doe at his house while they were dating.
Soulja Boy Is Charged With Inducing Miscarriage
The plaintiff, who went under the moniker “Jane Doe” in order to hide her identity, made accusations that Soulja Boy, whose true name is DeAndre Way, refuted in a court filing.
He is now prepared to take a deposition in the lawsuit at the end of the month, in which the plaintiff claimed that she was attacked by the rapper in 2015, eight years into their relationship, and that continued until she ended it in 2017.
The plaintiff described what transpired before the assault, claiming that Soulja was “irate and violent” during their “simple conversation.”
She went on to say that the rapper from “Kiss Me Thru The Phone” started punching her in the face and chest until she lost the ability to stand, at which point he kicked her uterus, resulting in a miscarriage.
According to In Touch, Soulja was accused of assault, sexual battery, and purposeful and negligent infliction of mental distress. She was also demanded to pay $10 million in damages, $5 million for her suffering and the remaining $5 million for emotional distress.
Rapper: The Plaintiff Was Accused of Fraudulent Behavior
The rapper’s attorney attempted to clear his client’s name by claiming that the victim “had not been damaged in the sums alleged, in any sum or at all.” In the words of Soulja Boy’s attorney:
“With respect to all causes of action, Defendant alleges that the willful, intentional, deliberate, malicious, and fraudulent conduct of others was/were responsible for and proximately contributed to the damages alleged to have been sustained, if any such damages were sustained, the fact of which is expressly denied, and that such conduct constitutes a bar to Plaintiff s recovery hereunder.”
But early this year, the plaintiff claimed the rapper had disregarded her attorney and had failed to show up for his deposition. The plaintiff’s default claim against Soulja was allowed by the court presiding over the case, and Soulja’s original response was dismissed.
Soulja’s accuser was about to get a default judgment from the court, which is what made him decide to eventually sit down for a deposition. The rapper told the judge that he wasn’t purposefully ignoring the case since he was preoccupied with work.
The court took note of his pleas and granted him permission to revive the case on the condition that he show up for a deposition. In addition, he was forced to pay a six-figure amount to Kayla Myers for an alleged assault that occurred at a house party in 2019, an allegation the rapper refuted.
The Rapper’s Additional Allegation of Assault
A third lawsuit was filed against Soulja by his former personal assistant. In January 2021, the lady filed a civil lawsuit, claiming the rapper had beaten her, sexually assaulted her, and detained her against her will.
The Blast revealed that the first complaint brought by his former employees claimed that shortly after Soulja started working for the rapper, she sent an unsolicited photo of his p-nis, which is when the harassment started.
The next month, the rapper gave her a $1000 offer and proceeded to sexually abuse her for the first time, professing “remorse” for his conduct. It happened frequently after that, sometimes even twice in one day.
Soulja would allegedly rape the Plaintiff, rip her clothes off with force, and touch her inappropriately, according to her counsel.
“Over the course of this abusive relationship, Defendant Way punched Plaintiff directly in the head on at least ten separate occasions.”
Neama Rahmani, the ex-staff member’s lawyer, stated in his statement that Soulja’s behavior had traumatized his client and that he ought to be held responsible for his violent conduct, which “imprisoned her physically, mentally, and emotionally.”
A Representative Presented The ‘Crank That’ Hitmaker’s Argument
Even with the numerous accusations of physical and sexual abuse, the rapper from Chicago still has supporters.
A spokesman for his entourage said with assurance that the rapper “would never touch a woman. In response to his former personal assistant’s allegations, he said, “He wouldn’t beat a woman or put his hands on a woman.”
Since his ascent to popularity, Soulja has continued to stir up controversy. The rapper was imprisoned in 2019 for breaking his probation after being found in possession of weapons.
Rapper Blueface was previously sued for defamation by Soulja Boy’s partner.
The Soulja family appears to have a penchant for legal cases; they are either initiating them or are deeply involved in them. Blueface’s girlfriend and baby mama, Jackilyn Martinez, took the rapper to court last year after he made disparaging statements.
According to The Blast, Blueface suggested that he and Martinez had a sexual past while arguing with Souja on Instagram Live, and he also allegedly propagated incorrect information about the child’s paternity.
Martinez said in her claim that she was not the rapper and that his comment had damaged her reputation since she works in a “business where attitude, trust, stability, and being level-headed were not only valued but imperative.”
She further asserted that his comments cast doubt on her relationship with Soulja. She claimed that Blueface pay her legal bills and the cost of the lawsuit in addition to receiving compensation for general damages, lost profits, and diminished earning capacity.
Where will Soulja Boy’s justice hammer fall? Time will tell!
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