Panicked Democrat Following Biden’s performance in the debate, Trump’s allies declare victory

There are now more calls for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race as a result of his debate performance.

In their first debate before the November election, a raspy and occasionally halting President Joe Biden made several attempts to challenge Donald Trump. However, Biden’s Republican opponent retaliated against him by spreading lies about the state of the economy, immigration, and his involvement in the Capitol uprising on January 6, 2021.

Many Americans were worried that Biden, who is 81 years old, was too elderly to be president, and these concerns were solidified by his inconsistent performance, especially early in the debate. It prompted more calls for the Democrat to think about resigning as the party worries that Trump will win the presidency again.

In what appeared to be an attempt to incite Trump, Biden relentlessly criticized the former president, bringing up everything from his weight and golf game to his recent felony conviction and his purported insults to World War I veterans. Four years after he started spreading conspiracy theories about his defeat, which led to the uprising on January 6, the 78-year-old Trump neglected to explicitly declare that he would accept the results of the election in November. He also frequently falsified records from his time in office.

However, Biden’s opening remarks during the debate garnered the most attention thereafter. As soon as Trump’s supporters announced their victory, several Democrats openly questioned whether Biden could continue.

“I believe there was some initial shock at his appearance and voice quality at the start of the debate. He seems a little lost. After the debate, David Axelrod, a longtime counselor to former President Barack Obama, remarked on CNN, “I think the panic had set in by then, but he did get stronger.” “And I believe that you will hear conversations regarding whether he should continue. I’m not sure if these conversations will result in anything.”

Democratic strategist Van Jones stated on CNN that “he did not do well at all.”

Democratic spectator Rosemarie DeAngelis, of South Portland, Maine, said she thought Biden answered Trump correctly but that he “didn’t have the spark that we needed tonight.”

“The challenge moving ahead will be that. “It’s only June, this is the first, but will he be able to last?” she questioned. “That will be the difficult part.”

Speaking on CNN later, Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged the criticism while attempting to defend the president’s performance.

She remarked, “There was a strong finish after a slow start.”

Biden’s train of thought kept straying. With a raspy voice, Biden attempted to defend his economic record and slam Trump at the start of the evening. According to a source with knowledge of the situation, Biden had a cold during the debate and did not test positive for COVID-19.

Biden seemed to lose his train of thought while responding, straying from tax policy to health policy, first mentioning the term “COVID,” before trailing off once more and stating, “excuse me, with, dealing with.”

Biden said, “Look, we finally beat Medicare,” as his response time expired.

Additionally, he made mistakes about abortion rights, which is a crucial issue for Democrats in this year’s election. He could not explain the Supreme Court’s historic decision in Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal everywhere. Two years ago, Roe was overturned by a conservative Supreme Court that had three judges selected by President Trump.

In response to a question on his support for abortion limits, Biden stated that he “supports Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters.” It is between a woman and a doctor for the first time. The second encounter involves a physician and a dire circumstance. The third instance involves the ladies and the state, not the doctor.

He went on to say that he believed choices regarding “women’s health” should be made by doctors, not by politicians.

As the discussion went on, Biden started to respond more clearly, albeit still rasping, as he criticized Trump’s record on matters like combating climate change.

He declared, “Climate change is the only existential threat to humanity, and he did not take one damn action to address it.”

Weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the current president and his predecessor had their final debate and had not spoken since then. After spearheading an unprecedented and fruitless attempt by his supporters to overturn his defeat, which resulted in the Capitol riot, Trump skipped Biden’s inauguration.

In response to questions about whether or not he would accept the results of the November election, Trump said that he would if the vote was “fair” and “legal,” restating his utterly unfounded accusations of massive fraud and other wrongdoing in his 2020 loss to Biden—claims that he continues to deny.

Asked about his behavior on January 6, 2021, Trump made no apologies.

“On January 6, we received respect from people everywhere. We were respected everywhere. And now that he’s here, we’re being made fun of,” Trump remarked.

When a moderator asked him to clarify whether he had broken his oath of office that day by organizing his followers to prevent Biden’s Electoral College victory from being certified and failing to cancel their raid on the Capitol for hours, Trump attempted to place the blame on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

According to Biden, Trump incited his followers to march to the Capitol, where they engaged in combat with police officers while sitting in the White House.

Biden declared, “These people should be in jail; he didn’t do a damn thing.” “They ought to be the ones receiving the consequences. And he’s eager to release them all. And now, that whiner that he is, he suggests that there may be a “bloodbath” if he loses once more.

“What they’ve done to some people that are so innocent, you ought to be ashamed of yourself,” Trump said to Biden after defending those found guilty and imprisoned for their roles in the uprising.

According to polls, Trump and Biden had strong headwinds going into the evening, including a populace tired of the partisan political circus and generally unsatisfied with both. However, the discussion brought to light their intense animosity for one another as well as their stark differences in opinion on almost all fundamental issues, including foreign policy, the economy, and abortion.

Their resentment for one other surfaced fast. Invoking his son Beau, who served in Iraq before passing away from brain cancer, Biden became intimate. The president denounced Trump for allegedly referring to U.S. combat dead as “suckers and losers.” “My son was not a loser, was not a sucker,” Biden informed Trump. The fool is you. The loser is you.

The former chief of staff of Trump allegedly replied that he never said anything. Trump then attacked Biden for the disorganized withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, labeling it “the most embarrassing day in the history of our country’s life.”

The pullout with the Taliban was approved by Trump one year before to his departure from office.

Saying, “You have the morals of an alley cat,” Biden brought up Trump’s conviction in the New York hush money trial, alluding to the claims made in the case that the businessman had sex with a porn actress.

In response, Trump declined to testify during his trial, saying, “I did not have sex with a porn star.”

When pressed to explain the increased cost of inflation since assuming office, Biden blamed the COVID-19 outbreak and the circumstances he took over from Trump.

“Things were in chaos” once Trump departed office, according to Biden. Trump disagreed, saying that “everything was rocking good” while he was president.

America was still dealing with the pandemic as Trump departed office, and the death toll had surpassed 400,000 in his final hours in office. More than a year later, the virus was still wreaking havoc across the nation, with one million people dead.

What steps would Trump take to lower the cost of child care? Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity to brag about how many people he had dismissed while in office, including James Comey, the former director of the FBI, and attacked Biden for not having fired anyone from his government.

According to June Gallup statistics, about half of American adults (59%) said they were “very concerned” before the debate that Joe Biden is too elderly to be president. Just 18% of respondents were as concerned about Trump. According to the survey, several Democrats were also alarmed by Biden’s age, with 31% expressing extreme anxiety.

However, Trump supporters would emerge victorious from the post-debate spin room. “The most lopsided win in debate history,” according to Trump senior adviser Chris LaCivita, who also made fun of the Biden campaign’s claim that the president was sick.

Governor Gavin Newsom of California, a well-known Democratic backer of Biden, was asked if he would think about replacing Biden. With the words, “I will never turn my back on him,” he waved off the inquiries.

He declared, “I have no trepidation,” adding that he is aware of Biden’s abilities.

Preparing for the debate, Biden stayed at the presidential retreat at Camp David for over a week. Before the debate, Biden made fun of Trump and his advisors’ claims that he would take drugs to improve his performance by selling cans of water on his campaign website with the description “Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce.”

During a brief speech to supporters at a watch party close to the debate site, Biden stated, “Let’s keep going,” implying he had no intention of withdrawing from the race although without specifically addressing his performance.

He said, “See you at the next one.”

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