Derek Chauvin has been hit with a lawsuit alleging that he used excessive force on a woman, similar to the force used on George Floyd

Derek Chauvin, a former police officer in Minneapolis, has been alleged to have employed disproportionate force on a lady some months before to the death of George Floyd.

The victim who felt wronged recently filed a lawsuit against the law enforcer who had lost their reputation, seeking $9 million in damages. The plaintiff identified Chauvin, a fellow police officer in Minneapolis, and the Minneapolis Police Department as the defendants accountable for her claimed injuries.

As to judicial records, Patricia “Patty” Dawn Welch Day claimed that two Minneapolis police officers, namely Chauvin and Ellen Jensen, employed disproportionate force on her during an arrest in January 2020.

The individual described a distressing narrative that closely resembled the tragic demise of Floyd, asserting that Chauvin and Jensen forcibly extracted her from her vehicle in a violent manner, without any valid explanation, and thereafter hurled her to the ground.

The collision purportedly caused several injuries, such as a dental fracture, harm to her arm and shoulder, and further wounds. According to TMZ, Day remembers that these injuries happened before she was shackled, but Chauvin still used further force.

Although Day was compelled to the ground, he claimed that Chauvin persistently exerted his authority in an abusive manner. She alleged that he applied pressure with his knee on her back as she was being held down, likening it to the act that ultimately resulted in the death of George Floyd.

In addition, she criticized the other police officer, Jensen, for passively observing and not doing action to prevent Chauvin’s excessive use of force.

Regarding her motivation for targeting the Minneapolis Police Department, Day emphasized that they failed to take appropriate measures to address the alleged wrongdoing.

The complainant asserts that there exists body camera evidence that corroborates her allegations. Nevertheless, the Minneapolis Police Department purportedly disregarded it, so enabling the police officers to continue without being monitored or restrained.

Day is seeking $9 million in compensatory damages from Chauvin, Jensen, and the Minneapolis Police Department for the alleged injustices she experienced. In addition, she is seeking an indeterminate sum in punitive damages from them.

The response of the other parties to the complaint is uncertain, but for Chauvin, this legal ordeal could be a substantial challenge considering his present circumstances. The discredited police officer is currently serving a prison sentence of almost 22 years.

In 2021, he was found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in relation to the Floyd case. In that particular year, Chauvin entered into a plea agreement for a distinct federal offense of infringing with Floyd’s civil rights and was subsequently sentenced to an additional 21 years of imprisonment.

According to a report by The Blast last year, Chauvin successfully endured a violent assault perpetrated by a Mexican gang member named John Turscak. On November 24, 2023, the prisoner attacked the ex-police officer in the jail library, inflicting 22 stab wounds using a makeshift knife.

Turscak selected this particular date due to its symbolic association with the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement, which emerged in response to Floyd’s killing. Additionally, it functioned as an homage to the emblem of the Mexican Mafia gang known as the “Black Hand”.

The incarcerated criminal, currently serving a lengthy prison term, asserted that he would have murdered Chauvin if it weren’t for the prompt intervention of correctional authorities who subdued him with pepper spray. Regarding the victim, he was relocated to a nearby medical facility for medical care.

After Chauvin was stabbed, his mother, Carolyn Pawlenty, criticized the institution for concealing his injuries. She voiced her discontent at being informed of the incident through the news, stating:

“How do these news agencies possess knowledge that his own mother lacks?”

Pawlenty stated that the jail authorities neglected to notify her about the event, even though she was registered as an emergency contact. The matriarch expressed her inability to find words to articulate her thoughts. I have not slept and have created a trail on the floors of my kitchen and living room by my continuous walking.

The attorney representing the family, Gregory Erickson, emphasized that they would take legal action against prison officials if they persisted in keeping Chauvin’s family uninformed of his condition. In a statement, he observed that they lacked confidence in their system, stating:

“His family has significant apprehensions regarding the facility’s ability to safeguard Derek from any additional harm.” They are not certain that any modifications have been implemented to the flawed procedures that initially enabled Derek’s assault.

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