The Late Former President of Tanzania – Ali Hassan Mwinyi

One of the incidents that Hayati Mzee Ali Hassan Mwinyi encountered when he was in England for studies was when he witnessed a door opening by itself, saying he thought witches had followed him.

In his book ‘Mzee Rukhsa Safari ya Maisha Yangu’ he explained that the first day he arrived in London, England to start his studies then landed at the East Africa House which was owned by people from Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Zanzibar that is when he suffered a culture shock.

“At night I had my first culture shock. I needed to go to the bathroom at night, so I woke up and went to the bathroom. As soon as I got closer, I saw the door open by itself. No Haula! What are these things? For a person (Me), who lived in Bumbwini, I thought witches had followed me,” explains part of his book.

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